Friday, November 16, 2012

King Kong

Im in love with an ape. A twenty-five foot ape to be exact. Peter Jackson did the impossible: he managed to make a re-make of King Kong that didnt suck and not only did it not suck it is arguably the best King Kong re-make ever and can rival the original as the best King Kong Movie ever. This is more Kong then you ever thought youd need but in the end Jackson keeps you wanting more.

King Kong takes place in depression era New York, were given a glimpse of slums that resemble refugee camps, forced evictions and protestors that are marching against the deplorable living conditions. . A young actress Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts) is employed, if you call performing in a low budget vaudeville show, in a theatre where the rent is due, where she hasnt been paid in two weeks. Eventually the bottom falls out a nd Darrow is as unemployed as the rest of the populace.

As Ms. Darrow tries to figure out what shes going to do about food Carl Denham (Jack Black) is underwhelming his producers with the footage of his latest film. Just as they let him no how they are not pleased, Denham informs them that not only is he in need of a ship to continuing filming but the ship will be taking the cast and crew to Singapore. The producers eighty-six the idea yet Denham hijacks the film, commandeers a ship only to find out his leading lady has pulled out of the project. Now he needs an actress who can wear a size four. You see where this is going.

Add to the cast a kidnapped writer (Adrien Brody), an egotistical actor (Kyle Chandler) and a skeptical, secretive crew and the stage is set for a lot of action and confrontation. While heavy on the exposition for the first hour King Kong turns into a wild rollercoaster ride of action and emotion and makes you feel like youre a kid again , watching whatever cartoon or Movie that made you lose all track of time and completely engulf you in whatever story was being told.

Some might argue that its all too much. As soon as you get over one heart stopping ride, Jackson cranks it all up again as the cast of characters finds themselves in yet another life threatening situation. Yes, its a bit over the top, but so is the idea of a twenty-five foot monkey falling in love with a blonde, blue eyed, willowy woman. Since the premise of the story is so over the top then the resulting film should be too and Jackson doesnt disappoint. You get what you pay for and more. Yes its three hours long but I promise you theres no better way to spend three hours.

T.S. Johnson is a Florida Based Freelance Writer for Hire, Providing Nation-Wide, Profess ional, Freelance Writing Services. For All of Your Writing Needs Visit Today. Or Check out the blog

Author:: T.S. Johnson
Keywords:: King Kong, Movie, Peter Jackson, 1933. empire state building, new york, naomi watts, jack black
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