Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Petition ABC Bring Back Commander in Chief

An online grassroots effort has been launched to petition ABC to bring Commander in Chief back from cancellation.

FreshDames website for female celebrities has launched a sister site for the main purpose of rallying people to petition ABC to bring back Commander in Chief.

Throughout the nation and in the far reaches of the world, television viewers were buzzing about the latest ABC drama hit show, Commander in Chief. For months leading up to the show's debut, previews and teasers were being aired at all hours, literally daring viewers to try and stop from watching this ground-breaking show.

This wasn't your run-of-the-mill hype for a new show either, with a lead cast of award-winning actresses and actors. Commander in Chief had all the makings for a great show with a gripping plot.

Nearly 90 years after women won the right to vote in the United States, now a women was about to become the leader of the free-world and lead the nation. And like any goo d show with a great cast led by a great leading actress (Geena Davis), there was a great actor (Donald Sutherland) to add conflict and even controversy.

From the opening moments, even the casual viewer was hooked. Davis' character, U.S. Vice President Allen, is travelling abroad, acting more like an ambassador sent away to stay busy and out of sight, when she is informed the president has suffered a massive stroke, and she needs to return to Washington D.C. to assume the presidential role and authority.

Before she can even catch her breath, she is whisked away aboard Air Force One and begins to head for the nation's capitol. En route, she gets a taste of what is to come - as military actions in an unrelated incident requires presidential oversight and authority for action.

Though respected in her capacity as V.P. there is an obvious reluctance to follow her lead and orders, with an underlying questioning of her every decision. Yet she holds her own, display s courage and conviction, and earns the respect befitting of a Commander in Chief. So sets up the stage for an awesome show with a phenomenal cast.

Commander in Chief almost immediately dominated the Tuesday night ratings and enjoyed an enormous market share.

It was only after ABC got greedy and moved the show to Thursday night, in our opinion to compete with CBS, did the show drop in viewers, ratings and market share.

Through their own actions, ABC sabotaged the show. Rather than admit the errors, please loyal viewers, and move the show back to its original time slot, ABC cancelled Commander in Chief. It should be noted that Commander in Chief was nominated for ten (10) Golden Globes and Geena Davis won for Best Actress in a Drama. Yet ABC still killed this quality television show.

Please voice your vote, sign the petition, and demand that ABC bring back Commander in Chief.

Author:: James Wills
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Wri ters, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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