Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello play two railroad baggage clerks. On an ordinary day, they receive a strange shipment--the last remains of Count Dracula and the Frankenstein's Monster. However, the remains are very much alive. So when the only thing that arrives at the House of Horrors exhibit are two empty crates, Abbott and Costello are blamed for the disappearance. Abbott and Costello conduct a search, once they are released from jail and the trail leads to a secret hideaway island.

Costello has two so-called love interests in this movie. Lenore Aubert plays Sandra Mornay , a doctor who seems to be interested in Costello. Costello's brain that is. The second love interest is Joan Raymond played by Jane Randolph. She's also interested in Costello. Although in truth, she's an insurance inspector who's trying to discover what happened to the missing crates. Charles Bradstreet plays the scientist, Professor Stevens.

Now, enters the monsters. Bela Lugosi r eprises his famous role as Count Dracula. Count Dracula, with the assistance of Sandra Mornay, plot to have Costello's brain to be used for a brain transplant for the Frankenstein's Monster, played by Glenn Strange. Lon Chaney Jr. appears to Abbott and Costello as Lawrence Talbot, a man trying to warn them about Count Dracula. However, he transforms into the Wolf Man and tries to scare them instead.

The whole cast makes an appearance at a Halloween Costume Party, where Lon Chaney Jr. turns into the Wolf Man and Count Dracula hypnotizes everyone so he could get Costello back to his hideaway island to remove Costello's brain. Abbott follows Costello to the castle to rescue him from Dracula's evil plot.

The Frankenstein's Monster is revived, without the help of Costello's brain and makes a disaster of the scientific laboratory. Lon Chaney Jr. follows Abbott to the island only to turn to the Wolf Man once again. The Wolf Man defeats Count Dracula by grabbing Dr acula as he turns into a bat, throwing both of them over the cliff and to their deaths. The Frankenstein's Monster is destroyed by a fire that started in the laboratory.

The movie ends when Abbott rescues Costello and makes and escape from the island on a boat only to have an appearance or should I say disappearance by the Invisible Man. This character is voiced by the actor Vincent Price. Abbott and Costello leaped overboard and swam away as the Invisible Man maniacally laughs.

Abbott and Costello usual comedic routines and slapstick are classic. They include the joke when Lon Chaney Jr. tells Abbott and Costello that at night when the moon is full he turns into a wolf. Costello replies you and a thousand other men at night. Also, when Abbott and Costello arrives and the costume party and finds Joan Raymond dancing with Professor Stevens. Abbott tell Costello Hey, isn't that Professor Stevens dancing with your girl. Costello replies She is?! I'll show h er! and starts dancing with Abbott. Abbott and Costello Meets Frankenstein is to many people one of the greatest horror-comedy Movies ever made.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Films

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Films, Movies
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