Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Influence of Violent Movies on Our Society

Are movies these days being made too violent? What effect are they having on our society? Does the violence in these movies provoke normal people to commit random acts of violence?

Violence in films causing violence in real life depends on the film, but that is only my opinion. Some people think that if people watch a violent film it will cause them to act violent, on the other hand some people disagree with this totally.

In this essay I will be looking at both arguments and trying to come up with a conclusion, I will be looking at the film Mississippi Burning and some other films and TV shows which contain violence. Some people can get a buzz from watching violence on TV but people should know the scenes on screen are different from real life and shouldnt be copied.

In America when the film Natural Born Killers was released at cinemas, a teenager Nathan Martinez went to see the film ten times. One day he went home from watching the movie and killed his s tep-mum and half sister exactly the way the characters were murdered in the film. He even listened to the soundtrack straight after he had committed the murder. This is called copycat violence which people say can be brought on by these kind of violent films.

The other side of this argument though, is that this boy must have already had mental problems, he was obviously disturbed. He might have wanted to kill his step-mum and sister before he seen the film, this could have just given him an idea how to do it.

Researchers did tests on some children playing a game. Before the game, some of the children had watched a violent film and some has watched a non-violent action film. In the game if the players opponent lost they have them a blast of white noise, the player could choose how long the opponent heard the noise for and how loud it was. The researchers found that the children who had watched the violent film made their opponent listen to a louder noise for a lon ger period of time, the researchers said that this is proof that violent films leave people in a more aggressive state.

On the other hand people would say that people should still know the difference between right and wrong and probably wouldnt go out and hurt someone because they had seen a film.

People could watch violent films to actually get rid of their own anger. Watching someone else fighting could stop him or her from actually going out and doing it themselves.

Some people would say violence in real life has nothing to do with watching films; its about peoples backgrounds, such as the way they were brought up.

I dont think that violence in Mississippi Burning would cause violence in real life unless the person was seriously disturbed already, there is two different kinds of violent films, some films make violence look like fun such as Rush Hour 2 has lots of fighting, but doesnt show anyone being seriously hurt and this film is fiction, so peo ple know it is just a made-up story and it didnt really happen to anyone. If any films were going to cause violence in real life it would be these sorts of films.

The film Mississippi Burning is not too violent because it is non-fiction and the film only shows what really happened. If the violence wasnt shown, the message wouldnt get across, how bad life really was in 1963 in Mississippi. Film violence would have an impact on people who already display criminal behavior. If a murderer watched a violent film they would probably get ideas and go out and do something violent.

Also children are generally very gullible and will believe things they see on TV shows or cartoons. Some cartoons are very violent, even though we probably dont realize it.

Such as the cartoon Tom and Jerry which shows a cat chasing a mouse trying to kill it, the mouse usually gets revenge on the cat. They use guns, hit each other with objects, and trip each other up and lots of other vio lent acts. The cat always gets hurt but then always comes back on the screen and acts as normal even if he has supposedly been badly hurt or even killed, this could be extremely confusing for a child and could make them believe if they hurt someone or even kill someone, everything will just be as normal.

The responsibility belongs to the parent or care giver of the child to make sure they dont think in this way and that the child realizes the difference between fiction cartoons or shows and real life and that they mustnt copy off these shows.

It is normally children or mentally ill people who would go out and copy off movies, other people would realize the difference between cartoons or TV shows and the way things are in real life.

Overall I think that violence being caused by watching films or TV shows depends what the film/show is, who is watching it and what their background is.

Mary Anne Winslow is a member of Essay Writing Service counselling dep artment team and a dissertation Writing consultant. Contact her to get free counselling on custom essay Writing.

Author:: Mary Anne Winslow
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