Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Day in "Hell" Michigan

Today marks a special day, June 6th, 2006..the 6th day, of the 6th month, in the year 2006. Otherwise known as 666. The people behind the new Omen remake know that, hence their onslaught of Heed the Omen and 666 his day will come ad campaigns. But someone else knows this as well, and it's the folks in a little town called Hell Michigan. Yes ladies and gents, there actually is a town in Michigan called Hell...and it isn't Detroit. Speaking of Detroit, today, the town of Hell Michigan which lies just 60 miles of the motor city, is throwing a celebration in honor of todays special date. John Colone, the towns mayor organized the event which will feature a million little Hell things to do. Ironically enough, Colone also owns a souvenir shop and in step with the american way, plans to profit greatly from the event as he told recently...

I've got `666' T-shirts and mugs. I'm only ordering 666 (of the items) so once they're gone, that's it, said Colone, also known a s Odum Plenty. Everyone who comes will get a letter of authenticity saying you've celebrated June 6, 2006, in Hell.

...Among the entertainment planned for today's event are the 8 foot tall 5 foot wide Gates of Hell, which will be placed in the childrens play area to freak out the little kiddies. It's unclear however whether the 666 themed stand-up with either scare the children, or turn them into future therapy patients. But I'm sure once the event is over, a full tally will be put together of just how many kids got scared and how many got traumatized. Parents who don't want to wind up shelling out thousands a year for their kids therapy bills are surely hoping for scares only. But this isn't just some rinky dink small town celebration to capitalize on the day.

Radio stations in San Diego and Seattle were contacted by Mayor Colone to hook up a contest to raffle off a free trip to Hell Michigan for today's festivities. One of the towns residents, Jason Leteff howe ver..wasn't so happy about the whole *get down with the devil* celebration planned for today.

Now, here I am living in Hell, taking my kids to church and trying to teach them the right things and the town where we live is having a 6-6-6 party, he said.

I'm sure Mr. Leteff was quite shocked seeing as how most people move to small town america to escape the crime and all things *evil* in the larger cities, and don't expect to run into a 666 celebration in their town. I guess it's off to Topeka Kansas for Mr. Leteff. So just how did the town of Hell Michigan get it's name? Two theories are currently floating around out there. One is that in the 1830's...the words So schoene hell were the first words spoken by a pair of German travelers who arrived in the town.

After those words were heard by some locals, it's alleged that the name of the town stuck from that point on. The second theory is that when Michigan finally gained it's statehood, George Reeves angrily said you can name this town Hell for all I care. Either way, today is sure to be a great day filled with wicked, devilish fun for the folks of the town of Hell Michigan..unless you're one of the god fearing types. Then you've probably boarded yourself up in your home until the party ends. Speaking of god-fearing types...I wonder how long it'll be before Pat Robertson goes off on another rant, this time about how Hell Michigan will incur the wrath of god in the form of floods, and retribution for this *sinful* celebration.

Mr. HoRrOr at Horror Movies &stuff Horror Movies &stuff

Author:: Nikki Jones
Keywords:: Horror Movies, Halloween, Rob Zombie,Halloween 9, Horror, Halloween Remake
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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