Friday, September 28, 2012

The Real World Season Seventeen Episode Thirteen "Opening Day" Recap 5/16

After the delay caused by Hurricane Katrina, the cast of the Real World Key West are ready to open their Mystic Tan salon. That night, they make their usual rounds of the bars, but this time theyre also promoting their opening the next day. On opening day, John is worn out by his marketing efforts the night before, and he decides to take a nap in the closet.

Paula Meronek is aghast at this both at John for taking the nap and at her roommates for not being outraged as well.

That night, the group is out drinking again, and Paulas resentment is unleashed. In case you ever need to spot a drunken Paulie Walnuts in the wild for yourself, heres what to look for 1)Repeated shouting of the phrase, Kiss my aaaaass! 2)Occasional use of a baby voice. 3)Out-of-control outbursts. 4)Frustrated growling when words fail. 5)Panicked gulping and near-hyperventilation.

The first three are exhibited in the van on the way home and directed at John. At first, he ignores her . But she will not relent, and John rips back into her, calling attention to her anorexia and self-mutilating behavior. The entire van gets quiet but his comments are painfully accurate.

Later, Paula then adds the fourth and fifth stages of Paulie Walnuts to her behavior for the evening. Strangely, her anger is directed at Jose Tapia and Zach.

The next morning, Paula pieces together the night by talking to the other housemates. Janelle confirms that she did start the fight with John.

Meanwhile, John and Zach decompress from the evening at the salon. John says the only solution he sees is to not be around Paula when shes drinking.

Later, at the salon, when Paula arrives, John approaches her and says he cant be around her anymore when shes boozing. She acknowledges her actions and the two seem to make peace.

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Author:: David Niu
Keywords:: the real world key west, Buddytv, Paula, Zack, John, Mtv, mystic tan salon
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