Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The main idea behind the film Advertising and the end of the World is to portray to its viewers the mass materials and resources used to build the final product that people see through Advertising may actually become extremely scarce at the rate the World is going. Another main idea through the film is trying to have viewers decide whether material things do make you happier or not as society gets filled more and more with mass Media Advertising.

Idealism uses everything that is perfect, beautiful and happy. These are the main techniques employed in advertisement of the material things. This is what has taken human kind away from th e community contacts. That is why Advertising has become a part of our everyday lives, since we look at all the commercial movies and everything we see makes us think that is the way our lives should be and creates images of true happiness. This is connected to one of the key theories of Media Literacy where medium contains ideological and messages of significant value which states that all Media products are Advertising, in some sense, in that they proclaim values and ways of life. In terms of technology, it has also played a vital role in Advertising because it has made commercials excite our mind through sight and sound a lot more. This is the key to influencing audience and turn it to a group of consumers, because more consideration, endeavor, ingenuity has gone into selling goods better than ever before and to change humans consciousness.

Anywhere you go there is Advertising. When at home, watching sports on television there are commercials that play over and ov er on all different channels, and also regular billboards on sports channels right in your face. When in the Arena/Stadium the billboards are in fact in your face. When people travel and go to school, there are advertisement posts on buses, metro, and all spread around in schools. This is connected to one of the key concepts of Media Literacy where Media has commercial implications which states that Media Literacy aims to encourage an awareness of how the Media are influenced by commercial considerations, and how these affect content, technique and distribution. But even though their are so many commercials and advertisements, it also comes at a very high price. Commercials seen on television can go over those costs of a regular full length movie. For example like Pepsi and Blockbuster during the Super bowl.

When I viewed this film it really caught my attention and i was persuaded by the argument surrounding the entire video. I do think that the World will be in trouble if it continues to use resources to mass produce material products. But I don't think it will be easy for people to use less. Because there is such a demand for products and in turn this needs Advertising, unfortunately I don't think there will be a decrease in the use of resources. I think that happiness does not come from material things and that we do not get happier as society gets richer. I truely think that the social elements of life such as family values, good self-esteem, leisure time, romance and love only makes life happier to which Advertising can't provide.

The article was produced by the writer of Sharon White has many years of a vast experience in ACM dissertation writing and APA dissertation consulting. Get free samples of essays, courseworks and English essay.

Author:: Sharon White
Keywords:: Advertising, Media, World
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