Thursday, August 30, 2012

Reality TV How Real Is It?

We call it Reality TV. But how real is it? And is it unique? Well, this is an argument that many people will have their opinion on. And while we're not going to try to take a position one way or the other, we are going to ask a few questions that should at least spark some kind of debate.

For starters. let's cover the question of how unique reality TV really is. In order to do that, we have to try to define what reality TV is. While nobody has ever given it a formal definition (go on look up reality TV in the dictionary) we have come to regard reality TV as television that is non scripted and with real people instead of professional actors. Well, if that's the case, then wouldn't The Price Is Right also be considered reality TV? What's that you say? It's got a professional host by the name of Bob Barker? Well, for that matter, American Idol has not just one but four celebrities on the show. So how is that any more real than Bob Barker's show?

The tr uth is, reality TV is not so unique. It's been around for a long time. Back in the day before we called it reality TV we had shows like Star Search. Even before that we had Amateur Hour. The list of reality TV shows reads like a who's who of television. Yet, for some reason, this reality craze seems to have taken off because for whatever reason, people think of it as being new. I guess we have short memories.

What about the issue of how real it is? This is something you can rip apart from today until the cows come home. Just pick a show. Take American Idol. Some of the contestants on this show are one step away from being professional singers. Okay, you want to argue that real people can be talented? No problem. But what about fear factor? How many people do you know in their everyday lives go around eating bugs? I seriously doubt that there are many people who would view this as anywhere near reality.

Take a show like survivor. If you think this show isn't scripted then you don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Not only is it scripted but there are times where scenes are either shot over and over until they are gotten just right or plain edited to look the way the producers want. What's real about that? And Richard Hatch? Boy, if he wasn't a star in the making. There was nothing real about that guy unless you live in Hollywood and your best friend is Tom Hanks. We could go on and on with examples of reality TV being nowhere near real. And yet, there are those who will argue that reality TV is quite real. Again, we're not going to try to convince anyone either way but if you look at the evidence you at least have to admit that there is some room for debate.

Now THAT'S real.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Reality TV

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: reality TV
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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