Thursday, July 12, 2012

Things I've Learned by Watching COPS

Here in Tallahassee, COPS comes on Saturday nights, two shows in a row.

Here are a few things I've learned while watching COPS.

Don't run from the police. It screams guilty of something and they are probably in better shape than you.

Don't lie to the police. They get lied to everyday and are pretty good at telling who is lying.

You see many pathetic looking situations watching COPS. It's a glimpse into a nasty side of life. It's important to remember that none of these people started out with the intention of living in a pathetic situation, breaking the law, and getting arrested on TV. Most ended up there by a continuous series of bad choices and poor decisions.

It seemed like a good idea at the time is not just the decision making paradigm for kids and teens. Many, many adults appear to live this way as well.

Some people have a very difficult if not impossible time trying to change their lives. Many people make the same mistakes over an d over again.

Some people are just too stubborn to learn. They are hard headed and unteachable.

The first very best way to avoid getting arrested is to not break the law.

The second very best way to avoid getting arrested is to always keep your shirt on. It seems like everyone that gets arrested on COPS is going without their shirt.

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Author:: Jeff Herring
Keywords:: TV, lessons learned, jeff herring
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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