Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Top Ten Funniest Characters on TV: From Lost to Gilmore Girls

Discerning the top ten funniest characters on television is a difficult task. How do you rank them? What criteria do you use? What limitations does one set? Are we looking for consistent hilarity or the peak of a character's humor?

Oscar Dahl over at BuddyTV ranks his top ten funniest characters on television and does a more than admirable job. However, as there always will be with lists of this nature (I suppose its kind of the point), there are some minor squabbles I have with the list that I'd like to address. For one, there are at least two characters that BuddyTV cites that I don't find funny at all. Who? Well, you'll know them when you see them. One is the tenth ranked character and one is the eighth ranked. Of course, humor is entirely subjective, but shouldn't the characters at least be comedy-based?

It's difficult to group characters from dramas and characters from comedies together in the same list of funniest characters; the comedic characters have f ar more opportunities to induce laughter. A dramatic character may be remarkably funny if given the chance. Likewise, a comedic character may get you a number of laughs, but out of how many attempts? Should the characters be penalized for jokes that fall flat?

I also disagree with the list in its choices for a couple of shows. The self-imposed rules of the BuddyTV list state that only one character per show is allowed on the list. This is all fine and good, but what kind of list of funniest characters on television is legitimate if its missing Steve Carrell's hysterical portrayal of Michael Scott on The Office?

Again, the list is a good one over at BuddyTV. I guess you could say that it accomplished what it's supposed to by creating a good-natured discussion. Kudos.

So, if you want to find out more about Lost or even about Funniest TV Characters Lost to Gilmore Girls you should visit

Author:: Groshan Fabiola
Keywords:: Buddytv
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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