Monday, August 27, 2012

Reality TV American Idol

Not everybody is into reality TV. It's understandable. Many of the shows are just plain stupid. But for pure entertainment value, it is hard to argue that American Idol is not the cream of the crop. This show doesn't seem to lose steam, even after five seasons. If you think that's not accurate, you might like to know that more people voted in the American Idol finals this past year than in any presidential election, ever. Of course that's a sad commentary on our political and social system, but nonetheless, those are the facts.

So why is American Idol so popular? Is it that good? Are the singers that good? Is the concept itself so interesting and unique? Is there just nothing else on worth watching Tuesday and Wednesday nights? Do we love to hate Simon? Do we love to love Ryan? Or do we just love rooting for the underdog? While we may not really know the answers to any of these questions, it would be interesting to at least explore just what it is that makes American Idol such a big hit with young and old alike.

There's no doubt that there is a certain amount of suspense with American Idol, wondering who's going to get booted off the show each week. And for those who think that the losers are predictable, one only need to go back to the episode where Chris, who every one thought was going to be the new American Idol, got booted off the show. The look on his face when he got the news may have been the photographic moment of the year. So there is definitely a bit of uncertainty with this show.

What about the talent? Is any of it really that good? Is there anybody really worth caring about? Well, probably one of the greatest singers of today came out of this show. If you never had the pleasure to hear Clay Aiken sing, you have no idea what you're missing. And he wasn't even the winner that year, the award going to Rueben Stoddard in what was probably one of the most controversial Idol votes in the whole hi story of the show itself. The ratings for that last show were through the roof.

And yes, there is always rooting for the underdog. Did anyone really think that a prematurely gray haired guy by the name of Taylor Hicks could have come away with this year's title? He may have not had the greatest voice of all the contestants, but you couldn't ask for more of a showman. Yes, he was the dark horse contestant and yet, he won it all.

And then there are Simon, Paula and Randy. You can call them the 3 Musketeers or the 3 Stooges, but they are certainly entertaining. Yes, Simon is the one everyone watches to see and hear and he's going to say next to insult somebody. Heaven knows why we love that stuff. Thank goodness we have Ryan to keep the three of them in line.

Whatever the reason for American Idol's success, one thing can't be disputed. This is a show that may very well be around long after many of the careers they've spawned are dead and buried.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Reality TV

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: reality TV
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