Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Reality TV Show Proposed

It is amazing the success of Reality TV. Survivor, Youre fired, and the Contender have blown out all other Television shows. They are Realistic, interesting and fun to watch as people interact in high paced and high stress situations. Some believe it is because people can relate with them so well and in fact that maybe part of it. But whatever reason, it goes to show that reality TV is where it is at. Martha Stewart is planning a reality TV show, which is sure to make its mark among the other top rated reality TV sensations.

I propose a new reality TV Show. We will call it; This is Your Government. Two teams will compete and are assigned easy tasks like regulating a Lemonade Stand or monitoring a Non-Profit Carwash by a church youth group. The government worker rank and file along with the bur eaucrats will team up to see who can best regulate the chosen activity for the week.

In true government style the team, which can create the most paperwork the quickest will receive points. But thats not all, the team which can invent a way to tax the activity the greatest, will also receive a large number of points. The team, which eventually causes the kids to go out of business fastest, will indeed be declared the winner. Each team will have a coffee pot, 60 reams of paper, ten computers and a large building to operate out of.

Wont that be a very Realistic Reality TV Show indeed? Think about it.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: new reality tv show, Ratings, Television, Realistic, this is your government
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